
The Onion’s A.V. Club has

The Onion’s A.V. Club has a review of The Iron Giant (look twords the bottom of the page). Excellent, excellent movie 🙂


GameSpot’ s Games That Will

GameSpot’ s Games That Will Change Gaming
Why isn’t Oni on the list?


A list of web browsers

A list of web browsers avialble for Linux, many screenshots.


Day Without Weblogs for World

Day Without Weblogs for World AIDS Day December 1, 1999.

I am still updateing my weblog today but will take some time out to remember those with AIDS/HIV, the ones who have died, their friends and family. For all those treating and researching treatments and cures please keep up the work.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention Frequently Asked Questions on HIV/AIDS
[via onfocus]

CNN has information and coverage on AIDS.


Debian Weekly News for is

Debian Weekly News for is out. Most intresting are the links to the problems with Corel Linux’s debian based distrubution which has an EULA which prohibits minors from downloading, even if they are Debian developers. The situation can be easily remedied if Corel would just follow the GPL that most of the Debian code is Liscenses under.


Linux Gazette Issue 48 is

Linux Gazette Issue 48 is out.


UserLand Releases Manila and Frontier

UserLand Releases Manila and Frontier 6.1, “Turning Any Web Browser Into A Powerful Web Content Workstation.” Press release on Yahoo. Check out for Manilla for more info and ther is a DaveNet piece about Manilla.


SML development splits off into

SML development splits off into separate mailing list


Interface Zen Tom Christiansen rants

Interface Zen Tom Christiansen rants on keyboards at slashdot. He does suggest the Happy Hacker which is on my wishlist, after the Handspring.


PayPal is soposed to be

PayPal is soposed to be an “easy” micropayment thingie, to bad signing up is such a pain in the but. Password has to be at least 8 characters alpha and numeric and the alternate question and answer have to be more than one word. I know that it makes cracking more dificult but it was such a pain, and I will never remember either, I opted out. I read somewhere that userids and passowrds made sense when there was only one mainframe to remember them for, they are rediculas when every site has their own new userid and password. Tumbprints retnal scans, ther has to be something better to identify my by…