Month: March 2008
links for 2008-03-15
Comatose is a micro CMS, implemented as a Rails plugin, that is designed to be easy to embed and extend.
Archy comes pre-loaded with several full-motion tutorials meant to teach you how to use the software. We’ve posted them here for you to watch without having to download the software first. Enjoy!
links for 2008-03-14
links for 2008-03-12
Sudo for Windows (sudowin) allows authorized users to launch processes with elevated privileges using their own passphrase. Unlike the runas command, Sudo for Windows preserves the user’s profile and ownership of created objects.
links for 2008-03-11
links for 2008-03-10
What’s a river? – A user’s river contains all links shared by that user AND all links shared by users followed by that user.
links for 2008-03-08
Voronoi diagrams have been used by anthropologists to describe regions of influence of different cultures; by crystallographers to explain the structure of certain crystals and metals; by ecologists to study competition between plants; and by economists t
links for 2008-03-07
Pyxer is a Python AJAX Server/ Framework similar to the Jaxer project of Aptana.
links for 2008-03-07
Pyxer is a Python AJAX Server/ Framework similar to the Jaxer project of Aptana.
links for 2008-03-06
There crazy.