
Don’t know mutch about BSD

The BSDs: Sophisticated, Powerful, and (Mostly) Free, a pretty good quick summary and history of the BSD varients.


Don’t know mutch about BSD

The BSDs: Sophisticated, Powerful, and (Mostly) Free, a pretty good quick summary and history of the BSD varients.


Don’t use that DIV

Taming Lists or how to use LI instead of DIV where appropiate. Have to confess to being a culprite of exxisve use of DIV.


Don’t use that DIV

Taming Lists or how to use LI instead of DIV where appropiate. Have to confess to being a culprite of exxisve use of DIV.


Cheap Linux Laptops

What this country needs is a good $999 Linux laptop, most definately. When I have the disposiable funds my next computer purchase will most likely be a laptop and it would be nice to have a Linux laptop as a valid option. Something to add would be brainless Bluetooth and WiFi with above mentioned laptop.


Cheap Linux Laptops

What this country needs is a good $999 Linux laptop, most definately. When I have the disposiable funds my next computer purchase will most likely be a laptop and it would be nice to have a Linux laptop as a valid option. Something to add would be brainless Bluetooth and WiFi with above mentioned laptop.

Development HTML MovableType Web XML XSLT

XSLT AbiWord to HTML


A command line app written in Java which, using the Xalan XML parser and an XSLT stylesheet, allows you to convert native AbiWord, (*.abw), files into HTML pages. Features include being able to convert a single file or batch convert a directory of files and turning http:// web address references into anchor tags under HTML. For more information see the README and CHANGELOG files.

Kinda cool, but as another idea how about a MovableType plug-in that takes a .abw file upload and translates it to embeded (X)HTML?

Development HTML MovableType Web XML XSLT

XSLT AbiWord to HTML


A command line app written in Java which, using the Xalan XML parser and an XSLT stylesheet, allows you to convert native AbiWord, (*.abw), files into HTML pages. Features include being able to convert a single file or batch convert a directory of files and turning http:// web address references into anchor tags under HTML. For more information see the README and CHANGELOG files.

Kinda cool, but as another idea how about a MovableType plug-in that takes a .abw file upload and translates it to embeded (X)HTML?

HTML Web Wiki

Wiki .EXE

WikiServer is a simple webserver Wiki as an .exe, source code provided. Probably the easiese Wiki for Windows users, from the getting something useful up and running prespective.

HTML Web Wiki

Wiki .EXE

WikiServer is a simple webserver Wiki as an .exe, source code provided. Probably the easiese Wiki for Windows users, from the getting something useful up and running prespective.