The Cheap Alternative to Subscribing to Slashdot
Follow these five easy steps and never see another Slashdot ad again:
- Go into your Homepage Preferences [].
- Scroll down to the “User Space” textarea, and paste the following four lines of HTML in there:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”><!–
–></script>(click here [] to download the adkiller javascript code and put it on your own webspace, in case you don’t trust me 🙂
- Scroll down the list of slashboxes, and make sure the “User Space” checkbox (inexplicably located between “” and “”) is checked.
- Return to the front page [], and your Slashbox should be there, quietly zapping all iframes and banner-shaped images on the page.
- There is no step 5!! It’s that easy.
adkiller.js(local mirror)
I have not tried it yet so your milage may vary. Feel free to post your experience with the hack.
3 replies on “No Ad Slashdot”
Well it worked. Will let you know if I see any problems from it.
Works for me as well. Good catch! Now I only need to set up a proxy or user style sheet of some sort that includes this for *all* pages 🙂
I finally gave it a try, ran into one of the anoying adds in the moddle of the story. Damm it worked great.