
The Anatomy of a Design

The Anatomy of a Design Document, Part 1 & The Anatomy of a Design Document, Part 2: Documentation Guidelines for the Functional and Technical Specifications


Software Engineering is not Computer

Software Engineering is not Computer Science


Privacy: The Race Is On

Privacy: The Race Is On

“Personalization technologies differ in kind from traditional marketing approaches, and often follow entirely different principles. They can also be used to accomplish far more than the marketing agenda called for in the past � ultimately, connecting customers in such a way that they benefit from each other’s accumulated experience, knowledge, interests, inclinations and tastes. When this approach is taken, privacy rarely becomes an issue. “


Keeping Yahoo Simple–and Fast “What

Keeping Yahoo Simple–and Fast

“What people care about is how fast their pages turn,” says Nazem. “It doesn’t make sense to make pages complex and use a lot of graphics. If you make a site look really fancy, it looks great the first time. The second time it’s amusing. And the third time it’s just plain annoying.”

Exactly, KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid 🙂


Apple Talk “The iBook lacks

Apple Talk
“The iBook lacks a few key consumer features that I think need to be in it. It lacks a DVD-ROM drive, FireWire, and ships with a paltry 32MB RAM.” I want an iBook but will hold of on the purchase it has the “necessities”. Engel, your right, 64MB RAM should be the minimum for any Mac.


Pick Your Own Net Person

Pick Your Own Net Person Of The Year

“Definitions of greatness and influence are definitely becoming more fluid. Winston Churchill once held that spot, along with Stalin, Eisenhower, Einstein, Mao, Gorbachev and various inventors, world leaders and political figures.”

Excellent one by JohnKatz ranting on Time’s choice of Jeff Bezos, President of Amazon, for the Man of the Year.


Battling the Free Music Movement

Battling the Free Music Movement
The recording industry needs to get a clue. Consumers, and artists, have been getting hosed for years. Given the lack of funds for many college students it is no surpise that piracy of MP3s is so high. Solution make music cheaper, support MP3 sales, forget encryption it will just be cracked.

Now I wonder what the situation would be like if most corporate networks were checked for MP3s…


The graphite shell a replacement

The graphite shell a replacement for Explorer on Windows has adds Python support. It is a pretty cool concept a shell programable with an array of scripting languages (Python, VBScript, JScript and PerlScript).


The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto

The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto

“This paper attempts to define an object-oriented database system. It describes the main features and characteristics that a system must have to qualify as an object-oriented database system.”


How ‘Doing It’ Is Done

How ‘Doing It’ Is Done
“Scientists at the University Hospital Groningen in the Netherlands took the first-ever magnetic resonance images (MRIs) of study subjects engaged in sexual intercourse. Doctors studied eight couples copulating and three women masturbating to better understand how the male and female anatomies interact..”