News Politics

Do Not Call

The FTC’s Proposal to Create a National “Do Not Call” Registry with a list of several states that are doing the “Do Not Call List” on their own. Kentucky Attorney General’s No Call List, doesn’t go into affect until January 15, 2003.


Why the Middle East Situation?

There are a couple of good articles from two usually opposing blog pundits, Imperialists by necessity? and
Who is our enemy? about what is really going on in the Middle East and how to solve the problems. I’ll leave agreement or disagreement to the reader, or feel free to comment.


Why the Middle East Situation?

There are a couple of good articles from two usually opposing blog pundits, Imperialists by necessity? and
Who is our enemy? about what is really going on in the Middle East and how to solve the problems. I’ll leave agreement or disagreement to the reader, or feel free to comment.


Mandela Interviewed

Mandela is interviewed about his, The U.S.A. Is a Threat to World Peace, comment.

I gather you are particularly concerned about Vice President Cheney?
Well, there is no doubt. He opposed the decision to release me from prison [laughs]. The majority of the U.S. Congress was in favor of my release, and he opposed it. But it�s not because of that. Quite clearly we are dealing with an arch-conservative in Dick Cheney.

Which isn’t one of the more pretinant comments but still quite an ironic situation.

Culture Politics

It’s the Culture

Why Arabs Lose Wars as told by a retired U.S. Army colonel involved with Arabic Military. Kinda answers why the Israelies have consistently been able to handles themselves so well against greater numbers in battle. Now for extra credet, for those that read the article, what does this have to say for the non military interactions between Western Culture and the Arabic Culture?


They have Posters

Remember the revised for parody propaganda posters, well they are now available via cafepress.


Freedoms Lost

The Troubling New Face of America by Jimmy Carter speaking against what we are losing in the name of security.

… developing from a core group of conservatives who are trying to realize long-pent-up ambitions under the cover of the proclaimed war against terrorism.


One Nation, What a Cluster Fuck

The State Department sends in the Marines to consign a U.S. citizen to Saudi hell. Yep that is right, U.S. Marines removed an U.S. citizen from the embasy into the Saudi police. Sure it happened under the first Bush, but Clinton and the twig didn’t or haven’t done anything either. I’m still soundly of the mind that the only Foriegn or Dometistic policy is the “right thing”. At least then when we, because let’s face we suport the decisions by proxy that is why it is called Representative Democracy, screw up it will not be for all the wrong reasons.


One Nation, What a Cluster Fuck

The State Department sends in the Marines to consign a U.S. citizen to Saudi hell. Yep that is right, U.S. Marines removed an U.S. citizen from the embasy into the Saudi police. Sure it happened under the first Bush, but Clinton and the twig didn’t or haven’t done anything either. I’m still soundly of the mind that the only Foriegn or Dometistic policy is the “right thing”. At least then when we, because let’s face we suport the decisions by proxy that is why it is called Representative Democracy, screw up it will not be for all the wrong reasons.


Why Run for Office

What do I believe in? What must I fight for and what must I fight against?

Steinbeck, quoted by Tarra Sue Grubb in Why Tara Is Running