“A Netscape plugin for Unix’s and Win32 enabling browsing and execution of Perl/Tk scripts in a reasonably safe environment.”
Category: Perl
Hashes in Perl are d’bomb!
Tiki Artist a Perl/Tk Rapid
Tiki Artist a Perl/Tk Rapid Application Development (RAD) enviroment.
First Cite for ‘Perl’? “The
“The Oxford English Dictionary folks contacted Larry and asked for the earliest possible print citation for the word ‘Perl'”
Perl Diver 1.1 one very
Perl Diver 1.1 one very handy .cgi.
More about the Schwartzian Transform
use Perl: Welcome To Betaville
Sex-0.69 – Perl teaches the
Sex-0.69 – Perl teaches the birds and the bees.
Another way to contribute The
Another way to contribute
The elusive as yet unaswered question in the FreeSoftware/OpenSource world, how are developers going to be paid? I for one would love ot get paid to write a Perl web based content management and publishing system. I am working on it as time permits but with 40+ hours/week at work, an an attempt at a social life there just is not that mutch time left. Now if I could only use that 40 hours twords the project things would be mutch cosher in fozzieland.