News Politics

Corporations Lie?

Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 18:26:33 -0800 (PST)
From: “delmar watkins”
Subject: important: read and post!!
oh, and by the way.
good luck.

I say Hear Hear, go read Now Corporations Claim The “Right To Lie”. It is not bad enough that they lie to thier owners, share holders, but now they want the “right” to lie to us all.


Futurama on DVD

Futurama and Family Guy finally get some respect from Fox
(December 12, 2002), it will probably disapear soon.

Two programs on The Fox Network have long been ignored to the point of cancellation; the fresh if always envelope pushing The Family Guy and the surrealistic Futurama. Finally, both shows will be getting released on DVD as Season One box sets this Spring.
The Futurama set will contain all the episodes from the first season as well as many extras which bear a resemblance to the Simpsons box sets which come from the same creators. Audio commentary from various sources will accompany every episode. Also included are some deleted scenes, a featurette (which if like other Fox featurettes, will be part of a larger documentary), animatics, scripts and storyboards for the first episode “Space Pilot 3000” and a still gallery.
The Family Guy will also contain all the episodes from the first season and as well as television spots for each episode and audio commentaries on the episodes “Death Has A Shadow”, “The Son Also Draws”, ” Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater”, “Holy Crap”, “Fifteen Minutes Of Shame”, “Let’s Go To The Hop”, ” He’s Too Sexy For His Fat” and “E. Peterbus Unum,”.
Although these sets will not be remixed in Digital 5.1 like other series sets, they look to otherwise be of pretty high quality. Futurama will arrive on March 25th, and The Family Guy will arrive the first week of April. Both will be priced at $49.95.

Woot, Woot, Rock On!!! I just love Futurama the Family Guy. A couple of more to add to my DVD wishlist.


Futurama on DVD

Futurama and Family Guy finally get some respect from Fox
(December 12, 2002), it will probably disapear soon.

Two programs on The Fox Network have long been ignored to the point of cancellation; the fresh if always envelope pushing The Family Guy and the surrealistic Futurama. Finally, both shows will be getting released on DVD as Season One box sets this Spring.
The Futurama set will contain all the episodes from the first season as well as many extras which bear a resemblance to the Simpsons box sets which come from the same creators. Audio commentary from various sources will accompany every episode. Also included are some deleted scenes, a featurette (which if like other Fox featurettes, will be part of a larger documentary), animatics, scripts and storyboards for the first episode “Space Pilot 3000” and a still gallery.
The Family Guy will also contain all the episodes from the first season and as well as television spots for each episode and audio commentaries on the episodes “Death Has A Shadow”, “The Son Also Draws”, ” Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater”, “Holy Crap”, “Fifteen Minutes Of Shame”, “Let’s Go To The Hop”, ” He’s Too Sexy For His Fat” and “E. Peterbus Unum,”.
Although these sets will not be remixed in Digital 5.1 like other series sets, they look to otherwise be of pretty high quality. Futurama will arrive on March 25th, and The Family Guy will arrive the first week of April. Both will be priced at $49.95.

Woot, Woot, Rock On!!! I just love Futurama the Family Guy. A couple of more to add to my DVD wishlist.


News Site

Memigo intresting news aggregation/mining site. From the About page:

Memigo is a website for news junkies. Technically, memigo is an intelligent news agent: it goes out on the internet and it finds news articles, stories and editorials from “trusted”, high quality sources.

[via ScriptingNews]


News Site

Memigo intresting news aggregation/mining site. From the About page:

Memigo is a website for news junkies. Technically, memigo is an intelligent news agent: it goes out on the internet and it finds news articles, stories and editorials from “trusted”, high quality sources.

[via ScriptingNews]


Pot makes you crazy

Cannabis link to mental illness strengthened

Patton’s team followed over 1600 Australian school pupils aged 14 to 15 for seven years. Daily cannabis use was associated with a five-fold increased risk of depression at the age of 20. Weekly use was linked to a two-fold increase. The regular users were no more likely to have suffered from depression or anxiety at the start of the study.

Now why does cannabis have this affect in teens? Also, what does it do to adults, ones whose brains are not already going through massive hormonal changes that teen brains recieve.


Pot makes you crazy

Cannabis link to mental illness strengthened

Patton’s team followed over 1600 Australian school pupils aged 14 to 15 for seven years. Daily cannabis use was associated with a five-fold increased risk of depression at the age of 20. Weekly use was linked to a two-fold increase. The regular users were no more likely to have suffered from depression or anxiety at the start of the study.

Now why does cannabis have this affect in teens? Also, what does it do to adults, ones whose brains are not already going through massive hormonal changes that teen brains recieve.


Fatty Acids reduce ADD

Dietary changes may help control ADD

New studies show that Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that have been linked to mental disorders are 10 per cent lower in kids with Attention Deficit Disorder. Omega-3 and -6 are essential fatty acids. Fatty fish such as salmon are rich in EFAs, as are polyunsaturated oils, such as canola oil, nuts, soybeans and flaxseed.

Cameron’s mom believes is the changes in diet and the addition of fatty acid supplements is what now keeps him calm.


Fatty Acids reduce ADD

Dietary changes may help control ADD

New studies show that Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that have been linked to mental disorders are 10 per cent lower in kids with Attention Deficit Disorder. Omega-3 and -6 are essential fatty acids. Fatty fish such as salmon are rich in EFAs, as are polyunsaturated oils, such as canola oil, nuts, soybeans and flaxseed.

Cameron’s mom believes is the changes in diet and the addition of fatty acid supplements is what now keeps him calm.


Sex does the Heart good

Shag Or DIE!! (says this book…)

Current research on the sexual lives of heart patients shows that more than half of heart attack victims have one thing in common: They did not
have any sexual activity of any kind for the entire year preceding their heart attack.

ZGeek comes up with some great ones.