
6 Apart is Slipping Update

An update on 6 Apart is Slipping.
A week after the release, and after several days with no action or communication, SixApart finally had a solution that worked.

Then edit each of the mt*.cgi files adding this to the top of each (well, below the first “#!…” line):
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use lib File::Spec->catdir(dirname($0), “lib”);
After you add those lines, the CGIs should work properly.

Still no mention in the Known Issues. A very disapointing situation.
Now do I spend the time to run through the plugins that broke with the “no problem” release?

MovableType Rant

6 Apart is Slipping

There is a new MovableType, 3.2. If you are running MT on Windows 2003, or plan to, stay away from the upgrade. In beta 3, 4, 5 continuing through the final release MT doesn’t work on Windows 2003. It was mentioned in the User to User support, on the support boards, I submitted it via email but it never made it onto the Known Issues and nothing mentioned in the final release. Nothing in the “spiffy” new doc system or knowledge base.
Now that it is a final release and since I’m a paying personal user there is some offical support. First fix breaks things in a different way and required admin access to IIS.
The definate feeling is that there was little to no testing on Windows 2003. No attention paid to the user feedback during beta. Very disapointing experience. There were plans to purchase commercial liscense for work, not so sure anymore.
A week after the release, and after several days with no action or communication, SixApart finally had a solution that worked.

Then edit each of the mt*.cgi files adding this to the top of each (well, below the first “#!…” line):
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use lib File::Spec->catdir(dirname($0), “lib”);
After you add those lines, the CGIs should work properly.

Still no mention in the Known Issues. A very disapointing situation.
Now do I spend the time to run through the plugins that broke with the “no problem” release?

Content Management Systems Google MovableType Site News XML Stiemap

Did the dead. Grabbed the template, Google Sitemaps using Movable Type, and setup a Sitemap for or at least the blog portion. If this actually takes off and works I might add the gallery.

Content Management Systems Google MovableType Site News XML Stiemap

Did the dead. Grabbed the template, Google Sitemaps using Movable Type, and setup a Sitemap for or at least the blog portion. If this actually takes off and works I might add the gallery.

Apple Content Management Systems Development Linux MovableType Mozilla Windows

Labels vs. Folders

Couldn’t agree more, Rafe on Labels versus folders, labels win. I have fallen in love with labels and started experimenting with them in Thunderbird, dumbing everything into one folder with lots of labeling.
Now if I could just do the same with my home direcory or My Documents. And if MovableType made it easier to label/categorize. Well Thunderbird needs more than 5 label options.

Apple Content Management Systems Development Linux MovableType Mozilla Windows

Labels vs. Folders

Couldn’t agree more, Rafe on Labels versus folders, labels win. I have fallen in love with labels and started experimenting with them in Thunderbird, dumbing everything into one folder with lots of labeling.
Now if I could just do the same with my home direcory or My Documents. And if MovableType made it easier to label/categorize. Well Thunderbird needs more than 5 label options.


MovableType 3.0

SixApart has finally released Movable Type 3.0, no wait that was the Developer Edition. My inital reaction is, much displeasure. As they have said it is really a featureless upgrade, just TypeKey and admin interface changes. On top of that the free version becomes cripleware, one author three blog limit. The now paid for version gets confusing pricing/liscensing scheme. Actually seems like a way to drive folks to TypePad more than anything.
I don’t blame SixApart for trying to make a buck, I have already donated $50, but do they have to do it is such a confusing and featureless way? Definately, on top of some other issues, makes me reevaluate other package or rolling my own.
NSLog() has some good thoughts as well.


MovableType 3.0

SixApart has finally released Movable Type 3.0, no wait that was the Developer Edition. My inital reaction is, much displeasure. As they have said it is really a featureless upgrade, just TypeKey and admin interface changes. On top of that the free version becomes cripleware, one author three blog limit. The now paid for version gets confusing pricing/liscensing scheme. Actually seems like a way to drive folks to TypePad more than anything.
I don’t blame SixApart for trying to make a buck, I have already donated $50, but do they have to do it is such a confusing and featureless way? Definately, on top of some other issues, makes me reevaluate other package or rolling my own.
NSLog() has some good thoughts as well.

Apple MovableType

Safari MT Bookmarklet

There is a fix for the MovableType Bookmarklet that works in Safari.
In case the link dies, BlogIt

Apple MovableType

Safari MT Bookmarklet

There is a fix for the MovableType Bookmarklet that works in Safari.
In case the link dies, BlogIt