
Every Industry has a Culture

Currently What Should I Do With My Life? by Po Bronson all from the Fast Company article. Currently the Every industry has a culture. has really struck my relationship with the tech industry. The idea being, either one works in a culture with a value system close to their own or one should chose the culture with a value system they wish to aquire.
Before the first computer job there were some differences. Maybe some of the readers from back then can attest. But the real question is are the values then more “me” the ones now or something all together different?
Definately something to think about during the drive to Nashville tomorrow.


Every Industry has a Culture

Currently What Should I Do With My Life? by Po Bronson all from the Fast Company article. Currently the Every industry has a culture. has really struck my relationship with the tech industry. The idea being, either one works in a culture with a value system close to their own or one should chose the culture with a value system they wish to aquire.
Before the first computer job there were some differences. Maybe some of the readers from back then can attest. But the real question is are the values then more “me” the ones now or something all together different?
Definately something to think about during the drive to Nashville tomorrow.