Perl RSS

Scraper and Portal builder

Cheesegrater & the Portalizer, Cheesegrater for scraping to RSS then Portalizer to convert it all into a nice page.

Perl RSS

Scraper and Portal builder

Cheesegrater & the Portalizer, Cheesegrater for scraping to RSS then Portalizer to convert it all into a nice page.


Jetspeed Tutorial

Portlet Tutorial, for Jetspeed which is a Java web portal framework.


Jetspeed Tutorial

Portlet Tutorial, for Jetspeed which is a Java web portal framework.


Happy Thanksgiving

Well a big happy Thanksgiving day to you! I really have one big thing to be thankful for this year, spending it with my family. See since I was in Canada for the past 2 Thanksgivings it is actually a big deal, something I have really missed.
Well gotta run, time to clean up and head to pick up Grandma and head to Aunt Pat’s and Uncle Frank’s.


Happy Thanksgiving

Well a big happy Thanksgiving day to you! I really have one big thing to be thankful for this year, spending it with my family. See since I was in Canada for the past 2 Thanksgivings it is actually a big deal, something I have really missed.
Well gotta run, time to clean up and head to pick up Grandma and head to Aunt Pat’s and Uncle Frank’s.


Pot makes you crazy

Cannabis link to mental illness strengthened

Patton’s team followed over 1600 Australian school pupils aged 14 to 15 for seven years. Daily cannabis use was associated with a five-fold increased risk of depression at the age of 20. Weekly use was linked to a two-fold increase. The regular users were no more likely to have suffered from depression or anxiety at the start of the study.

Now why does cannabis have this affect in teens? Also, what does it do to adults, ones whose brains are not already going through massive hormonal changes that teen brains recieve.


Pot makes you crazy

Cannabis link to mental illness strengthened

Patton’s team followed over 1600 Australian school pupils aged 14 to 15 for seven years. Daily cannabis use was associated with a five-fold increased risk of depression at the age of 20. Weekly use was linked to a two-fold increase. The regular users were no more likely to have suffered from depression or anxiety at the start of the study.

Now why does cannabis have this affect in teens? Also, what does it do to adults, ones whose brains are not already going through massive hormonal changes that teen brains recieve.


Fatty Acids reduce ADD

Dietary changes may help control ADD

New studies show that Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that have been linked to mental disorders are 10 per cent lower in kids with Attention Deficit Disorder. Omega-3 and -6 are essential fatty acids. Fatty fish such as salmon are rich in EFAs, as are polyunsaturated oils, such as canola oil, nuts, soybeans and flaxseed.

Cameron’s mom believes is the changes in diet and the addition of fatty acid supplements is what now keeps him calm.


Fatty Acids reduce ADD

Dietary changes may help control ADD

New studies show that Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that have been linked to mental disorders are 10 per cent lower in kids with Attention Deficit Disorder. Omega-3 and -6 are essential fatty acids. Fatty fish such as salmon are rich in EFAs, as are polyunsaturated oils, such as canola oil, nuts, soybeans and flaxseed.

Cameron’s mom believes is the changes in diet and the addition of fatty acid supplements is what now keeps him calm.