Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: Relaxiation

  1. What are your favorite ways to relax and unwind? Taking a walk or doing the dishes, I’m strange that way.
  2. What do you do the moment you get home from work/school/errands? Change clothes or go to the bathroom.
  3. What are your favorite aromatherapeutic smells? Vanilla
  4. Do you feel more relaxed with a group of friends or hanging out by yourself? Usually more relaxed by myself, though some types of hanging out is better.
  5. What is something that you feel is relaxing but most people don’t? Doing the dishes.

the friday five

Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: Relaxiation

  1. What are your favorite ways to relax and unwind? Taking a walk or doing the dishes, I’m strange that way.
  2. What do you do the moment you get home from work/school/errands? Change clothes or go to the bathroom.
  3. What are your favorite aromatherapeutic smells? Vanilla
  4. Do you feel more relaxed with a group of friends or hanging out by yourself? Usually more relaxed by myself, though some types of hanging out is better.
  5. What is something that you feel is relaxing but most people don’t? Doing the dishes.

the friday five