
Python Introduction

Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition a Python tutorial over on, which is something on my to study list while finding a new job and deciding where to live.


Python Introduction

Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition a Python tutorial over on, which is something on my to study list while finding a new job and deciding where to live.

Site News


A little experiment in Blogrolling

Site News


A little experiment in Blogrolling


Team For Hire

Thanks iambe, for the FOR HIRE: EXTREME CODING TEAM mention. In all seriousness if there is anyone out there looking for a team that works well together and has made lots of cool shit in the past drop a line.


Team For Hire

Thanks iambe, for the FOR HIRE: EXTREME CODING TEAM mention. In all seriousness if there is anyone out there looking for a team that works well together and has made lots of cool shit in the past drop a line.


Should I Stay Or Should I Go

It is probably not the case but right now it feels like the most stressful time of my life. The big question, “Should I stay or should I go?” and the more time pases the more it feels like I have no choice in the matter. Oh, and the problem with going is the “being nibbled to death by ducks”, as Londo would say it, by the border in trying to get everything back to the states and setup somewhere else. More thinking and deciding in my future.
But if you are looking to hire a Perl dude for work in the British Columbia Lower Mainland or Seattle area, or leads, let me know


Should I Stay Or Should I Go

It is probably not the case but right now it feels like the most stressful time of my life. The big question, “Should I stay or should I go?” and the more time pases the more it feels like I have no choice in the matter. Oh, and the problem with going is the “being nibbled to death by ducks”, as Londo would say it, by the border in trying to get everything back to the states and setup somewhere else. More thinking and deciding in my future.
But if you are looking to hire a Perl dude for work in the British Columbia Lower Mainland or Seattle area, or leads, let me know


Just a quick update

Posting this from a cosik in the Middle Beach Lodge a few klicks from Tifono BC on Vancover Island. It is pretty expensive, and my time is almost up, but howdy all. Vancover Island is one awesome place to get away from it.


Just a quick update

Posting this from a cosik in the Middle Beach Lodge a few klicks from Tifono BC on Vancover Island. It is pretty expensive, and my time is almost up, but howdy all. Vancover Island is one awesome place to get away from it.