
Microsoft-Free Fridays? What if every

Microsoft-Free Fridays?

What if every Friday were a Microsoft-free day for the Web? You can use MSIE any day but Friday. To give something back to the Web, if you want to read my site you would have to use Mozilla, Opera, OmniWeb, Lynx — anything but Microsoft’s browser. One day a week.

Bravo!!! Also a prefect rebuttle to Zeldman’s upgrade to a 5.X or better browser to veiw this site.

Further, this morning we learned that there is no way for a webmaster to opt-out. A user can smart-tag all sites, rendering any (expensive) effort to opt-out of the defacement pointless.

Yet another reason to put the smack down on Microsoft.


Microsoft-Free Fridays? What if every

Microsoft-Free Fridays?

What if every Friday were a Microsoft-free day for the Web? You can use MSIE any day but Friday. To give something back to the Web, if you want to read my site you would have to use Mozilla, Opera, OmniWeb, Lynx — anything but Microsoft’s browser. One day a week.

Bravo!!! Also a prefect rebuttle to Zeldman’s upgrade to a 5.X or better browser to veiw this site.

Further, this morning we learned that there is no way for a webmaster to opt-out. A user can smart-tag all sites, rendering any (expensive) effort to opt-out of the defacement pointless.

Yet another reason to put the smack down on Microsoft.