Month: November 2000
Barbie Bondage, disturbing…
Barbie Bondage, disturbing…
Wana buy an island? Pretty
Wana buy an island? Pretty cool there is even onePender Island, in the B.C. area that isn’t all that expensive
Dreamcast Web Design Guidelines The
Dreamcast Web Design Guidelines
The dimensions of the Planetweb browser screen are approximately 608 pixels wide by 392 pixels high. Pages wider or longer will need to be scrolled to view …
In case you were wondering why not try Dreamcast style.
Nielsen for 2004 – At
Nielsen for 2004 – At Least We’ll Know Who Won This Time, parody of the Palm Beach ballot Jacob Nielsen style. If you have been following Jacob’s rants then the brilance of the parody will be aparent.
A from an isometric perspective,
A from an isometric perspective, in the style of a computer game. There is also Internet Sex Photographs, Internet pornography, digitally editied to remove the figures. Disturbing…
OpenNIC is a user owned
OpenNIC is a user owned and controlled Network Information Center offering a democratic, non-national, alternative to the traditional Top-Level Domain registries. In case you were looking for them, the traditonal TLDs are currently served by Network Solutions with policies set by ICANN.