Webcast of the keynotes from 2000 O’Reilly Open Source Convention with a Larry Wall interview.
Month: August 2000
Webcast of the keynotes from
Webcast of the keynotes from 2000 O’Reilly Open Source Convention with a Larry Wall interview.
Diary for Skud … we
… we wanted to work somewhere that didn’t have so many arbitrary rules about “how things are done” and “appropriate business behaviour” and so on (everything from leave application forms to using Microsoft by default). Yeah, OK, there are certain things you do need to have in place (as we learnt the hard way) but generally speaking we found that having a casual, open work environment, a very flat org chart, and letting people just generally do what they needed to without too much bullshit in the way, worked well and kept us happy.
Bingo. Inverse the above and there is my current work enviroment.
Diary for Skud … we
… we wanted to work somewhere that didn’t have so many arbitrary rules about “how things are done” and “appropriate business behaviour” and so on (everything from leave application forms to using Microsoft by default). Yeah, OK, there are certain things you do need to have in place (as we learnt the hard way) but generally speaking we found that having a casual, open work environment, a very flat org chart, and letting people just generally do what they needed to without too much bullshit in the way, worked well and kept us happy.
Bingo. Inverse the above and there is my current work enviroment.
A fairly solid Review of
A fairly solid Review of Nautilus 0.1. Remember folks “Nautilus is still substantially harder than compiling your own Linux kernel.” but expect it avialable via Helix Update when Nautilus gets a little more stable. Or, “If you have the Mozilla and Helix RPMs installed already (or their Debian package equivalents) the Nautilus binaries run out of the box: no compiling necessary.” so give those binaries a try. If you give Nautilus a try let me know what you think, it will probably be til sometime late in the weekend before I have time to try it out.
A fairly solid Review of
A fairly solid Review of Nautilus 0.1. Remember folks “Nautilus is still substantially harder than compiling your own Linux kernel.” but expect it avialable via Helix Update when Nautilus gets a little more stable. Or, “If you have the Mozilla and Helix RPMs installed already (or their Debian package equivalents) the Nautilus binaries run out of the box: no compiling necessary.” so give those binaries a try. If you give Nautilus a try let me know what you think, it will probably be til sometime late in the weekend before I have time to try it out.
Agenda to take on PalmOS
Agenda to take on PalmOS with Linuxr “… is set to ship next October.” I hope they mean October 2000 and not 2001. Check out some info, specs, pics and such, over at AgendaComputing.
Agenda to take on PalmOS
Agenda to take on PalmOS with Linuxr “… is set to ship next October.” I hope they mean October 2000 and not 2001. Check out some info, specs, pics and such, over at AgendaComputing.