
Whaddaya mean, you can’t find

Whaddaya mean, you can’t find programmers?
Offer potential employees something more and better than money, treat them like people.


h o l e m u s i c ( . ) c o m


Courtney Love does the math

Courtney Love does the math

“Today I want to talk about piracy and music. What is piracy? Piracy is the act of stealing an artist’s work without any intention of paying for it. I’m not talking about Napster-type software.

I’m talking about major label recording contracts.

There were a billion music downloads last year, but music sales are up. Where’s the evidence that downloads hurt business? Downloads are creating more demand.

I have a 14-year-old niece. She used to want to be a rock star. Before that she wanted to be an actress. As of six months ago, what do you think she wants to be when she grows up? What’s the glamorous, emancipating career of choice? Of course, she wants to be a Web designer. It’s such a glamorous business!

A great writer named Neal Stephenson said that America does four things better than any other country in the world: rock music, movies, software and high-speed pizza delivery. All of these are sacred American art forms. Let’s return to our purity and our idealism while we have this shot. “

Metallica needs ot hire Cortney as advisor and spokesperson if they ever want to win the fans. Way to go Courtney!

The big problem is the distribution channels are all getting destroyed aand rebuilt on the internet, with respect to content. Fact nothing will stop it, not laws, nor press releases and not encryption. Remember there is always someone in the world smarter than you and willing to share. I don’t have a solution to how to artists get payed but from the sound of it they are not getting paid now.


What’s wrong with Perl, have

What’s wrong with Perl, have not read it yet. maybe after dinner.

Games PDA

Must work… not time to

Must work… not time to play games on the Visor…

PDA Games won.


Neighbor-Sex a chronicle of the

Neighbor-Sex a chronicle of the nextdoor neighbors and their deafening and oddly-timed sex.

Reminds me of the Slum days, <shudder>Bob and his women</shudder>.
[via /usr/bin/gir]


Got certified as an Apprentice

Got certified as an Apprentice over at Advogato today. Mutch rejoicing. Time to find some code to release.


CVS–Concurrent Versions System – Table

CVS–Concurrent Versions System – Table of Contents, on my must read list.

Zope runs on hardware costing runs on hardware costing $1,000 or less at time of purchase. Wonder if Microsoft will ever start such a plan.

Apache Perl

DynamicPerl A Perl 5.6 for

A Perl 5.6 for Win32 with Apache. Seems to have the added features over what ActiveState is distuributing with ActivePerl for Win32. Those Canadians sure seem to like their Perl on Windows.

UPDATE: DynamicPerl has some nice “one ups” on ActivePerl, a web browser based package installation for one. There is not a nice InstallShield type installer, you unzip to the desired directory and run a .bat file. The PerlConsole doesn’t work for me, not sure why, and the package instalation didn’t work til I kicked off Apache myself and hacked the url path. All in all a very nice one up so far.