Running away with the plot The story of Perl on developerWorks
Month: December 1999
In the Trenches with a
In the Trenches with a Weblog Pioneer Brigitte F. Eaton of eatonweb gets interviewed.
West End Games makers of
West End Games makers of the Star Wars RPG have a website. Many years ago I tried to convince them to have me create their site, pro bono, they turned me down. Still would make the site, thiers sucks!
Anthem Screenshot a XUL interface
Anthem Screenshot a XUL interface for EditThisPage. Now I’m waiting for the Zope, which I’m trying to get working on my ISP.
Some timely guidelines for Web
Some timely guidelines for Web design ”
I’d been asked to offer some opinions on what makes sites good and not so good. Having an e-retailer tell a customer “No,” and for no good reason, seemed like an excellent example of a bad practice.”
Excellent, I have left way to many “eCommerce” sites due to their pain in the ass validation. So how many of you have used 111-111-1111 for your home phone? Why is my phone number necissary email is now a website should contact me.
Y2K: Tom Christiansen replies on
Y2K: Tom Christiansen replies on eJournal Dan Gillmore’s News & Views
Are you a PC bigot?
Are you a PC bigot? “Look through the technical documentation of Linux (and *BSD) and you’ll see it running on a vast array of different platforms.
ARM, x86, MIPS, PPC, M68K, SPARC/UltraSPARC, Alpha and others I can’t even remember. But look on a standard Linux site, or download an rpm and what format is it designed for…yes, i386.”
The Linux “Help” System “Once
The Linux “Help” System “Once you have Linux installed and running, the most important piece of information you need is how to get help.” “The Linux \ Open Source Investment Portal”
ONElist : Computers : Web
ONElist : Computers : Web Sites : syndication RSS list coered.