We are the blog, nice Star Trek blogging reference.
Category: Weblogging
Blog Star Trek Humor
We are the blog, nice Star Trek blogging reference.
Homeless Guy and his Blog
A homeless guy finds a refuge on the Internet
He sits in a secluded corner at the Nashville Public Library, next to a window that overlooks glass-and-steel buildings and a small park. In front of him is a computer screen, which is a different kind of window � a window into the world where he sends his words, his thoughts, his ideas.
His is over at http://thehomelessguy.blogspot.com/. Kudos to Blogger for providing a service and hosting and to the Nashville Public Library for providing access.
Homeless Guy and his Blog
A homeless guy finds a refuge on the Internet
He sits in a secluded corner at the Nashville Public Library, next to a window that overlooks glass-and-steel buildings and a small park. In front of him is a computer screen, which is a different kind of window � a window into the world where he sends his words, his thoughts, his ideas.
His is over at http://thehomelessguy.blogspot.com/. Kudos to Blogger for providing a service and hosting and to the Nashville Public Library for providing access.
Nice News Aggregation
NewsAggregation over at vsbabu.org with code provided for one of your own.
Nice News Aggregation
NewsAggregation over at vsbabu.org with code provided for one of your own.
Blogrolling Locally
Daily Crawl is a set of CGI scripts that allow you to track updates to a list of weblogs that you read though the update list at weblogs.com.
Now to make it a MovableType Plugin.
Perl Wiki Weblog
e_con | brunthaler.net a Perl Wiki system with a Weblog feature. It creates a new page for the day, 2002-09-09 for example.
Wiki with Blog
Simpleface Weblog is doing a pretty Wiki way of the Weblog, take the new pages and present them in blog fashion. Some food for thought for additions for MiniWili.