Why I Love my Qube I want one. We have one as a proxy at a remote location. It was soo cool to hold. Xmas gift idea 🙂
Category: Uncategorized
Guru Paradox: User-Centered or Self-Centered? scares me. Quality of “published” material, books written, predictions made and speaches given don’t matter as long the activities are vigirously pursued. No wonder the pundits are usually full of it. No wonder the speaches are boring. No wonder there are so many crappy books on the market.
Ease of Use vs. Sweat
Ease of Use vs. Sweat Equity There is something to be said for actually knowing what one is doing but everynow and then just getting the job done now is most important. I’m thinking a good marriage of Ease of Use and Sweat Equity will be MacOSX, Macintosh Ease of Use with Unix power, the toolset command line etc.
Who is Responsible? The Developer?
Debian with the FreeBSD kernel
Debian with the FreeBSD kernel mentioned in Debian Weekly News – November 23rd, 1999. Intresting Debian currently runs with the Linux kernel and HURD kernel. There are some concerns about liscensing issues, Linux is GPLed and BSD has it’s own liscense. slashdot has a discussion.
Slashdot’s Top 10 Hacks of
Slashdot’s Top 10 Hacks of all Time rebutals “The Top 10 Subversive Hacks of All Time” on C|Net
Unix Usability
Review of Howard Baetjer’s “Software as Capital” by Peter McCluskey
I, Anakin “George Lucas is
I, Anakin “George Lucas is seeking an “extremely intelligent” 19-year-old actor to play Anakin Skywalker in “Episode II.” He need look no further than here.”
Anatomy of a Weblog and
Anatomy of a Weblog and the followup More About WebLogs from CamWorld.