
Smells like Texas “They’ve eliminated

Smells like Texas

“They’ve eliminated the middle man. The corporations don’t have to lobby the government any more. They ARE the government.” Hightower used to complain about Monsanto’s lobbying the Secretary of Agriculture. Today, Monsanto executive Ann Venamin IS the Secretary of Agriculture.

Truly disgusting. What a retchid state the US is ataining under Bush. A nation for the corporation, willing to sell to the highest bidder. Sickened that I have payed for these monkeys to ruin the place of my birth they are like a bunch of Ferengi. To all the non Americans out there I’m truely sorry for the crap that the nation of my birth is doing the world. To all you who voted for and support Bush, fuck off, go to hell, eat shit and die, you get the idea.
[via CamWorld]


Nielsen for 2004 – At

Nielsen for 2004 – At Least We’ll Know Who Won This Time, parody of the Palm Beach ballot Jacob Nielsen style. If you have been following Jacob’s rants then the brilance of the parody will be aparent.


Check it out. On Curmudgeon

Check it out. On Curmudgeon Teaches Statistics there is a Java applet that lets one compare one canidates votes per county. Palm Beach and Dade counties each give some bizzare outlier results.


Check it out. On Curmudgeon

Check it out. On Curmudgeon Teaches Statistics there is a Java applet that lets one compare one canidates votes per county. Palm Beach and Dade counties each give some bizzare outlier results.


Senate Democrats to introduce bill

Senate Democrats to introduce bill mandating Web privacy standards

“Hollings primarily wants consumers to be given more access ot personal information that companies hold on them…”

It is about time. If this goes through it will be a step in the right direction, but more will need to follow.

Culture Politics

At The Crossroads by JohnKatz

At The Crossroads by JohnKatz

“As a society, we can try to make cyberspace conform to the rules of physical space. Or we can recognize the extraordinary potential of this new culture, and invest cyberspace with laws and values and properties that are fundamentally different.”

Embrace change or live in the past. I choose chage.


Senate Democrats to introduce bill

Senate Democrats to introduce bill mandating Web privacy standards
It is about damm time. Now lets hope the bill goes far enough to protect personal privacy.

Babylon 5 Politics

Doyle For Congress, as in

Doyle For Congress, as in Michael Garibaldi Chief of Security on Babylon 5, is running for congress.


Return of the Hacker “Hacker

Return of the Hacker

“Hacker and civil libertarian protest against the MPAA scheduled for today, Friday, February 4, 2000.”