News Personal Politics Rant

Excuse me while I cry

Oh, my emotional state, sadness, depression, anger, disalusionment. My faith in the eternal goodness of man, that we are really great, is faltering. Seeing the popular vote leads me to one of two conclusions. The majority of voting Americans have either been dupped beyond there intelect or are comprised of some of the worst of humanity disguised in smiles. I am not sure which is worse. And I don’t know which I fear worst or what I can do to change either.
Excuse me while I cry…

News Personal Politics Rant

Excuse me while I cry

Oh, my emotional state, sadness, depression, anger, disalusionment. My faith in the eternal goodness of man, that we are really great, is faltering. Seeing the popular vote leads me to one of two conclusions. The majority of voting Americans have either been dupped beyond there intelect or are comprised of some of the worst of humanity disguised in smiles. I am not sure which is worse. And I don’t know which I fear worst or what I can do to change either.
Excuse me while I cry…

Humor News Politics Reviews

Way to go John Stewart

Oh the irony. John Stewart Bitchslaps Crossfire and ther retort, saying he softballed John Kerry. So now even the journalists are treating The Daily Show as a serious source of news. Do yourself a favor and get the show by BitTorrent or read the transcript.
On a related note I picked up America (The Book) which is turning into a real work of art. Totally styled like a school text book but probably more informative. And there is a forward from Thomas Jefferson,

P.S. Oh, and is it true Halle Berry is once again single? If so, I’d be forever in your debt if you would put in a good word for T.J. Oh how I loves the mochachina.

Oh, the humor and education in just a P.S.


Great Cuthulu For Sale

There is a Cuthulu statue for sale, just $3900.


Butts popular at the Olympics

Might be a clue for improving Olympic spectator attendance.

6 of the 10 most emailed images from Yahoo are of Female Olympic Athlete’s Butts. Seems that the Beach Volleyball is pretty popular amongst some this year!

Olympic Babes Images Among Most Emailed from Yahoo


Hollywood Mars Landing

A way cool Hollywoodized Mars lander landing.


Hollywood Mars Landing

A way cool Hollywoodized Mars lander landing.


Wishes for the New Year

Tis the season for retrospectives and wishes for the future. Wired’s 101 Ways to Save the Internet is actually a pretty good list. Though a MP3 player with something more than a gig but less than the current iPod offering storage for $100 would be nice.


Wishes for the New Year

Tis the season for retrospectives and wishes for the future. Wired’s 101 Ways to Save the Internet is actually a pretty good list. Though a MP3 player with something more than a gig but less than the current iPod offering storage for $100 would be nice.


Johnny Cash dead at 71

Johnny Cash.jpg

Country legend Cash dies

Cash died in hospital in Nashville, Tennessee, after complications from diabetes, which resulted in respiratory failure, his manager Lou Robin said.

He become as famous for his image as an outlaw figure, for playing in prisons and creating the myth of the Man in Black, his semi-official nickname.

The man will be misses but the music keep us moving on.