Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: Dreams

  1. What’s the last vivid dream that you remember having? This morning. I was hicking on some Kentucky coal roads with my dad. We ended up at a little town on the top of one of the hills which was where I lived.
  2. Do you have any recurring dreams? Back in elementary school, 4th grade I think but definately sometime after The Empire Strikes Back came out, there was this dream that kept picking up where I last remembered. The just of the dream is that my class were all children of the Rebel Aliance members that were captured at the Battle of Hoth. We were all in a “re-education school.” Most of the substance was things what were soposed to turn us and us fighting back.
  3. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? When Wookies attacked. Probably the Star Wars Christmas Special to blame for this one. But I was crash landed on a planet, the Wookie homeworld, and being chased by all these wookies. The worst part what when I went back to sleep it just picked right up being chased by Wookies. I think that was when my first round of insomnia began.
  4. Have you ever written your dreams down or considered it? Why or why not? Have kept a dream journal, did for several years. Even tried to analys them.
  5. Have you ever had a lucid dream? What did you do in it? Have had lots of them. One that I remember involved flying through the neighborhood I grew up in. blue version

Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: Hair Day

  1. What shampoo do you use? Head & Shoulders
  2. Do you use conditioner? What kind? Yep, usually, Citrus Instant Conditioner
  3. When was the last time you got your hair cut? June of 2000
  4. What styling products do you use? A pony tail holder
  5. What’s your worst hair-related experience? When I cut my own bangs, around 8 years old.

Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: Hair Day

  1. What shampoo do you use? Head & Shoulders
  2. Do you use conditioner? What kind? Yep, usually, Citrus Instant Conditioner
  3. When was the last time you got your hair cut? June of 2000
  4. What styling products do you use? A pony tail holder
  5. What’s your worst hair-related experience? When I cut my own bangs, around 8 years old.

Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: Hobbies

  1. What are your hobbies? Pencil and paper Role Playing Games, most recently the Star Wars RPG from the 80’s.
  2. Do you collect anything? Used to collect books and RPG stuff. Now just download it all.
  3. Is there a hobby you’re interested in, but just don’t have the time/money to do? I have always wanted tp play the guitar but never really pursued it.
  4. Have you ever turned a hobby into a moneymaking opportunity? Well all my playing with puters has certianly helped in the job market.
  5. Besides web-related stuff (burbs, rings, etc.), what clubs do you belong to? Currently don’t belong to any clubs. Used to back in the high school and college days.

the friday five

Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: Hobbies

  1. What are your hobbies? Pencil and paper Role Playing Games, most recently the Star Wars RPG from the 80’s.
  2. Do you collect anything? Used to collect books and RPG stuff. Now just download it all.
  3. Is there a hobby you’re interested in, but just don’t have the time/money to do? I have always wanted tp play the guitar but never really pursued it.
  4. Have you ever turned a hobby into a moneymaking opportunity? Well all my playing with puters has certianly helped in the job market.
  5. Besides web-related stuff (burbs, rings, etc.), what clubs do you belong to? Currently don’t belong to any clubs. Used to back in the high school and college days.

the friday five

Babylon 5 Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: TV Questions

  1. What’s your favorite TV show and why? Babylon 5, because it told one awesome story.
  2. Who is your favorite television star? Alan Alda, all because of M*A*S*H.
  3. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Really depends on how much of a child. First was Starblazers around 6-7, then around 8 it was M*A*S*H then before hishschool it was Robotech.
  4. What show do you think should have been cancelled by now? X-Files, years ago
  5. What new show do you hope escapes the axe this season? Futurama, it has already been canceled but one can hope.

the friday five

Babylon 5 Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: TV Questions

  1. What’s your favorite TV show and why? Babylon 5, because it told one awesome story.
  2. Who is your favorite television star? Alan Alda, all because of M*A*S*H.
  3. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Really depends on how much of a child. First was Starblazers around 6-7, then around 8 it was M*A*S*H then before hishschool it was Robotech.
  4. What show do you think should have been cancelled by now? X-Files, years ago
  5. What new show do you hope escapes the axe this season? Futurama, it has already been canceled but one can hope.

the friday five

Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: Routines

  1. What are the first things that you do in the morning to start your day? Wake up? No real ritual other than a cup of coffee when I get a chance.
  2. What are the last things that you do at night before going to bed? Brush teeth, brush hair guess that is about it.
  3. What daily routine have you recently added to your day? Job search
  4. What routine do you wish you get rid of? Not having to job search
  5. What’s the one thing that makes you feel like something is missing if you don’t do it some point within your day? Go back to sleep.

friday five
Answers would have been different if I was still smoking. Lots of the day’s happenings were effected by the cancer sticks.

Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: Routines

  1. What are the first things that you do in the morning to start your day? Wake up? No real ritual other than a cup of coffee when I get a chance.
  2. What are the last things that you do at night before going to bed? Brush teeth, brush hair guess that is about it.
  3. What daily routine have you recently added to your day? Job search
  4. What routine do you wish you get rid of? Not having to job search
  5. What’s the one thing that makes you feel like something is missing if you don’t do it some point within your day? Go back to sleep.

friday five
Answers would have been different if I was still smoking. Lots of the day’s happenings were effected by the cancer sticks.

Friday Five Personal

Friday Five: Seasons

  1. What is your favorite time of year? Spring
  2. What is it about your favorite season that, well, makes it your favorite season? It might be the whole spring is the earth’s in rebirth. It could be Easter being a happy time. Maybe because of the rain, I just really like it when it rains. Or even more maybe because of my birthday, April 3. Through I don’t usually like my birthday so the probably isn’t it.
  3. What is your least favorite time of year? Why? The hottest times of summer. Ya now then just breathing outside is opressive, more so back in Kentucky than in British Columbia.
  4. Do you do anything to celebrate or recognize the changing of seasons? I get an extra hour of sleep when fall hits and lose an hour when spring hits. But I guess neither is a celebration.
  5. What’s your favorite thing to do outside? Being on or near the water.

friday five