Alton Brown’s Top 10 Recipes of 2016
It’s time for the Top 10 Recipe List of 2016. And guess what … it’s nothing like 2015. 10. Morning Steel Cut Oatmeal : They’re nutty, chewy,…
Author: fozbaca
This Map Reveals the Ultimate Sub-$250 U.S. Train Trip
W ant to see the sights of the continental United States, but don’t want to pay an arm and a leg to do it? You’re in luck. Famed for its historic railways, the…
This Map Reveals the Ultimate Sub-$250 U.S. Train Trip
W ant to see the sights of the continental United States, but don’t want to pay an arm and a leg to do it? You’re in luck. Famed for its historic railways, the…
Free eBook: How to Shoot Street Photography
Dear friend, “ How to Shoot Street Photography ” is a new free ebook which will give you all the information how to start shooting street photography. I have…
Tampon Run
Tampon Run
Tampon Run GET THE NEW iOS APP HERE Follow @TamponRunner GET THE NEW iOS APP HERE Andrea Gonzales and Sophie Houser are high school students in NYC. We met this…
I’ve left Twitter. It is unusable for anyone but trolls, robots and dictators | Lindy West
‘The breaking point for me wasn’t the trolls themselves – it was the global repercussions of Twitter’s refusal to stop them.’Photograph: Paul Sancya/AP I…
Behind the Lens: 2016 Year in Photographs – The White House – Medium
For the eighth and final time, I am presenting my annual Year in Photographs. All of them were taken either by me or a White House photographer on my staff. For…
My Rules for Publishing (2017 Edition)
Back in 2015, I wrote a post called My Rules for Publishing , which was got pretty popular (in the circles I hang out in at least). I figured it was time for an…
PhotoSpots uses Google Maps to pinpoint photography hotspots
When you’re traveling, it’s always a good idea to scope out shooting locations ahead of time. Here to help is a newly launched online service called PhotoSpots…
Poor Neighborhoods Make the Best Investments
This is not a social justice argument. I’m not writing this post to shame you into taking some altruistic action for the greater good. What I’m going to present…