Slow and steady wins the healthcare race
In a piece called The Heroism of Incremental Care for the New Yorker, surgeon Atul Gawande argues that our healthcare system is built for and celebrates heroic…
Author: fozbaca

“Is This Helpful?”
“Is This Helpful?”
The first book I checked off my list this year was one I had heard about thousands of times since I was little but never actually read: 1984 by George Orwell .…
“Is This Helpful?”
“Is This Helpful?”
The first book I checked off my list this year was one I had heard about thousands of times since I was little but never actually read: 1984 by George Orwell .…
Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing
Share this project Done Share Share Embed Share this project Done Share Email Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 Project We Love Publishing Austin,…
Chip Pro is a $16 computer empowering makers to build IoT gadgets
Say you want to create the next generation of voice recognition-enabled, AI-ensmartened, buzzword-laden gadget. The fist thing you need to do is pick a…
Venture capital is going to murder Medium – Signal v. Noise
It’s a crying shame, really. I love Medium. It’s the best writing environment on the web, and they sweat the details like nobody else. The community too is just…
Just before winter

Jamie Livingston: some photos of that day
to the Jamie Livingston: Some Photos of That Day website. The most important news it that the stories about the photographs are amazing. Click on the STORIES…
Traveling Won’t Make You a Better Photographer
When I was 20, I was dissatisfied with my photography. I felt like I was being limited by where I lived. I thought if I wanted to become a better street…