
If Pence really wanted to listen …

If Pence really wanted to listen …
Welcome to Lexington, Vice President Mike Pence. Hope you get to enjoy the descent. That view never gets old. We understand that your touch down for a “…


Wedding Video Blues: 5 Tips for Better Wedding Videos – Steve Stockman

Wedding Video Blues: 5 Tips for Better Wedding Videos – Steve Stockman
Wait, you’re shooting video at your daughter’s wedding?
First piece of advice:  please re-consider.


The Majority Of Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad For The U.S., Poll Shows

The Majority Of Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad For The U.S., Poll Shows
Their opinions have shifted dramatically in just two years.


Who Americans spend their time with

Who Americans spend their time with
DK Dan Kopf , Reporter, Quartz Last updated: 2 weeks ago Data: American Times Use Survey Last updated: 2 weeks ago | Data: American Times Use Survey Chart…


Drinking more coffee leads to a longer life, two studies say

Drinking more coffee leads to a longer life, two studies say
Story highlights Regular consumption of coffee could lead to a longer life, two new studies say One study found that coffee has the same health benefits across…


8 years of suffering under Barack Obama

8 years of suffering under Barack Obama
Photo credit: The Associated Press The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8…


What My Camera Saw as My Parents Died of Cancer

What My Camera Saw as My Parents Died of Cancer
There is a whole range of feelings that happen with the delivery of bad news. In my case, like many others, knees lock, the heart speeds up and the hairs on my…


Our Last Year Together: What My Camera Captured As My Parents Died Of Cancer

Our Last Year Together: What My Camera Captured As My Parents Died Of Cancer
Dad called these “his and hers chairs.” He would sit beside Mom, his partner and wife of 34 years, as they got their weekly chemotherapy treatments. Howie…


Who Americans spend their time with


Camera Observations from Europe

Some camera observations from Italy, Spain and France. Sony A7 series bodies were all over the place in Rome. Maybe many as Nikon and Canons. A handful of Fuji X100x and XE2S. And 3 Pentaxes all with crazy bodies.
Compared to the Caribbean cruise 2 years ago in 2015, which had shitloads of GoPros, there were hardly any action cameras in Europe. More than Pentaxes but not by alot.