Categories LinkLog links for 2011-03-23 Post author By engel Post date March 23, 2011 fozbaca on | The Best Way to View Instagram Photos (tags: fozbaca photography iphone instagram) Instagrid | The Best Way to View Instagram Photos (tags: iphone mashup photography api instagram) Free Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft for Nook and Kindle (tags: ebooks lovecraft kindle ebook epub mobile) Building a recommendation engine, foursquare style (tags: recommendation mobile api algorithms) An Introduction to the Federated Social Network (tags: socialnetworking distributed facebook socialmedia twitter) The Google Maps Javascript API V3 – Google Maps JavaScript API V3 – Google Code (tags: google api maps javascript) Creating a Closest Store Locator in PHP (tags: php distance postcode) Geocoding Addresses with PHP/MySQL – Google Maps API Family – Google Code This is the fourth article in our series on using PHP/MySQL with Google Geo APIs. If you're a PHP/MySQL developer, you may also be interested in our articles on loading markers from a database and creating KML from a database. (tags: php google api maps mysql) php-google-map-api – PHP Class for Building maps using Google Maps API – Google Project Hosting (tags: php google api maps) ← The Atrocity Archives by Charles Stross → links for 2011-03-24