Past couple days have been slow. One evening Curli and I went into Hong Kong Island to do some geek shopping. Wanted a Switch and some network cables for the office. The hardware didn’t end up doing what I wanted but it did give us the experience of Hong Kong rush hour on the train. It was kinda funny at times, everyone running to smash into the train cars with Curli, 6’3″ and myself being taller than everyone.
I spent some time yesterday evening walking around and shopping near the hotel. Picked up an umbrella and some snacks for the room. Also got some Ramon noodle dinner bowls, the room has a tea pot. It turns out that Ramon is the same across the world. On the hotel TV they had some paralympic palimanaries. The amazing one was the pistol shooting which looked like there was a blind shooter, he was blindfolded.
Yesterday evening was the first equine competition so things may start picking up around here. Tonight is the offical opening ceremonies, we are trying to find someplace to watch on TV.
Going to run, time to pick, pack and deliver some feed and bedding.