DarkBASIC allows you to create your own games, demos, slideshows, even business applications using the easy to understand BASIC programming language. Even if you’ve never coded before, just follow the in-depth tutorials and you’ll be generating results in
Basically, you have a HomePage link and you can add other pages by adding WikiWords to the page. Great use of Ruby’s CGI class and the && operator.
I’ve been playing with a rewrite of miniature file-sharing and I really like what’s come out:
Pligg is an open source content management system based on the look and feel of digg.com.
With Windows Media® Components for QuickTime, by Flip4Mac™, you can play Windows Media files (.wma and .wmv) directly in QuickTime Player and view Windows Media content on the Internet using a Web browser.
Agile Planet aggregates the weblogs of the agile community.