Are you a print designer, photographer, fine-artist, or general creative person? Do you have a shitty website that you slapped together yourself in Dreamweaver in that ONE web design class that you took in college? Do you not have a site at all because you’ve been waiting two years for your cousin to put it together for you? Well, we’re here to help. We know that you have little to no desire to do web design professionally, but that doesn’t mean that you want an ugly cookie-cutter site or to settle for one that hasn't been updated since Hackers was in theaters. Through short tutorial videos, you’ll learn how to take a basic wordpress blog and manipulate the css, html (and even some php!) to match your aesthetic. You’ll feel empowered rather than crippled by the internet and worst case scenario you’ll at least end up having a better idea of how professional web designers turn your design dreams into a reality on screen.
The Eldritch Dark is a site to facilitate both scholars and fans in their appreciation and study of Clark Ashton Smith and his works.
Awesome photos and videos of every Apple product ever.
My second eBook about Street Photography.While the first book was about the basics,this book is more advanced and contains alot of personal thoughts and ideas. I triedto explain what Street Photography meansto me and how I see it. It contains morethan 30 short chapters about the differentareas and topics of street photography. Itshould help beginners to understand theprocess of making story telling photos andto improve your personal style as a streetphotographer. Together with the first bookit will be a good reference for anyone whowants to become a street photographer.