A lot of people presume a lot of things about the Constitution. Some are true, some are not. This page will detail some of the things that people think are in the Constitution, but are not.
Typo 2.5 is right around the corner, and I mean it’s bursting at the seems ready for a release. We’ve all been working really hard smashing bugs with lightning speed. We’ve recieved a lot of positive feedback and help from our quickly growing user b
Email archives are ubiquitous, cumbersome and vastly voluminous. This project attempts to reflect the massive nature of these archives by visualizing them as a growing mountain over time.
In my initial blog entry on the Dunbar Number I presented some statistics on group sizes based on the online game Ultimata Online. In it you could clearly see the power-law (pareto) curve, with diminishing returns at around 150, with most groups being 60