Oh the irony. John Stewart Bitchslaps Crossfire and ther retort, saying he softballed John Kerry. So now even the journalists are treating The Daily Show as a serious source of news. Do yourself a favor and get the show by BitTorrent or read the transcript.
On a related note I picked up America (The Book) which is turning into a real work of art. Totally styled like a school text book but probably more informative. And there is a forward from Thomas Jefferson,
P.S. Oh, and is it true Halle Berry is once again single? If so, I’d be forever in your debt if you would put in a good word for T.J. Oh how I loves the mochachina.
Oh, the humor and education in just a P.S.
One reply on “Way to go John Stewart”
I couldn’t agree more. I read the transcript and watched the episode twice each, and I just can’t believe the big, round, hairy cohones he has. It is nice to see someone on the side of Good.