Humor News Politics Reviews

Way to go John Stewart

Oh the irony. John Stewart Bitchslaps Crossfire and ther retort, saying he softballed John Kerry. So now even the journalists are treating The Daily Show as a serious source of news. Do yourself a favor and get the show by BitTorrent or read the transcript.
On a related note I picked up America (The Book) which is turning into a real work of art. Totally styled like a school text book but probably more informative. And there is a forward from Thomas Jefferson,

P.S. Oh, and is it true Halle Berry is once again single? If so, I’d be forever in your debt if you would put in a good word for T.J. Oh how I loves the mochachina.

Oh, the humor and education in just a P.S.

One reply on “Way to go John Stewart”

I couldn’t agree more. I read the transcript and watched the episode twice each, and I just can’t believe the big, round, hairy cohones he has. It is nice to see someone on the side of Good.

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