Hello my name if fozbaca and I am a MacAddict. It has been 4 years since my last Mac and I can finally afford one, eMac. The more and more I check Mac sites and read all the cool shit, hell even on fozbaca.org the franken mac can’t be escaped. I know that the money earned through the putting up with windows weenies and horsie girls should be put to produtive use like savings or investment but the old addiction is hard to shrug off…
Must Exert Self Control…
Hello my name if fozbaca and I am a MacAddict. It has been 4 years since my last Mac and I can finally afford one, eMac. The more and more I check Mac sites and read all the cool shit, hell even on fozbaca.org the franken mac can’t be escaped. I know that the money earned through the putting up with windows weenies and horsie girls should be put to produtive use like savings or investment but the old addiction is hard to shrug off…
2 replies on “Must Exert Self Control…”
So does that mean you *are* a mac owner, or you can afford to be one? I spent a lustful weekend with a powerbook and came out a bit dissapointed myself, but I’ll write about that sometime soon. Course, I’d still not say no to being given a mac, and my birthday is only a few months away, giving you guys lots of time to save up and ship it out here…. 🙂
What I have found is that OSX wants a fast disk and lots of memory. My G3/333 iMac is now a freakin’ speed demon because it has a decent HDD and optical drive in it. Where 10.0 was much slower than my old P500, 10.2 is much faster. About as fast as OS9 (outline-drag is the one thing that I wish OSX had from OS9)
I am not sure what the eMac has, but I would almost say go to ebay and find a g4 cube or older powermac, add a fast disk (maybe even SCSI), lots of RAM, and be done with it. Despite my love of Macs, I wouldn’t buy an all-in-one Mac device again (unless you count a laptop, in which case I would buy one in a heartbeat).
I am interested in learning what you had against the powerbook, Arc. As Foz and I have discussed, the problem with notebooks is that, well, they suck. I have had 3 laptops, and none of them were any good, really. Oh, they are great to have, but they all are too heavy, too limited, and too fragile. So I wonder what your experience with the powerbook was like.
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2 replies on “Must Exert Self Control…”
So does that mean you *are* a mac owner, or you can afford to be one? I spent a lustful weekend with a powerbook and came out a bit dissapointed myself, but I’ll write about that sometime soon. Course, I’d still not say no to being given a mac, and my birthday is only a few months away, giving you guys lots of time to save up and ship it out here…. 🙂
What I have found is that OSX wants a fast disk and lots of memory. My G3/333 iMac is now a freakin’ speed demon because it has a decent HDD and optical drive in it. Where 10.0 was much slower than my old P500, 10.2 is much faster. About as fast as OS9 (outline-drag is the one thing that I wish OSX had from OS9)
I am not sure what the eMac has, but I would almost say go to ebay and find a g4 cube or older powermac, add a fast disk (maybe even SCSI), lots of RAM, and be done with it. Despite my love of Macs, I wouldn’t buy an all-in-one Mac device again (unless you count a laptop, in which case I would buy one in a heartbeat).
I am interested in learning what you had against the powerbook, Arc. As Foz and I have discussed, the problem with notebooks is that, well, they suck. I have had 3 laptops, and none of them were any good, really. Oh, they are great to have, but they all are too heavy, too limited, and too fragile. So I wonder what your experience with the powerbook was like.