‘My greatest teacher once told me,’ said Yasujiro, ‘that a man who has risked his life knows that careers are worthless, and a man who will not risk his career has a worthless life.’
Chidren of the Mind, Orson Scott Card, Page 248
‘My greatest teacher once told me,’ said Yasujiro, ‘that a man who has risked his life knows that careers are worthless, and a man who will not risk his career has a worthless life.’
Chidren of the Mind, Orson Scott Card, Page 248
‘My greatest teacher once told me,’ said Yasujiro, ‘that a man who has risked his life knows that careers are worthless, and a man who will not risk his career has a worthless life.’
Chidren of the Mind, Orson Scott Card, Page 248
“… wine, women, song …” Londo Molari
Gotta love that line. It speaks of celebration, joy, happiness and it came from one with such misery.
“… wine, women, song …” Londo Molari
Gotta love that line. It speaks of celebration, joy, happiness and it came from one with such misery.
Jamie Lee Curtis has nothing to hide, first a what she looks like when she wakes up then a after the 3 hours of people dolling her up.
Jamie Lee Curtis has nothing to hide, first a what she looks like when she wakes up then a after the 3 hours of people dolling her up.
Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz. |
Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz. |
Live Sex Accidents, like “… roommates catch you in the act …” then run down the hall and hide in bathroom standing on a toilet. Now something like that would never happen 🙂
Live Sex Accidents, like “… roommates catch you in the act …” then run down the hall and hide in bathroom standing on a toilet. Now something like that would never happen 🙂