Seems that arcterex has made an e2 entry for rum on fire. Now he basicly get it all right but it, as passed to me, started in India, then followed to Sour Africa, where a pharmacy student brought it to Kentucky and then on to British Columbia. Also it is soposed to be Caramelised Rum, that way it tastes better when burned. But any of you other Rum On Fire’rs have more corrections feel free to comment.
Well way to go arcterex, he updated the “errors”.
Seems that arcterex has made an e2 entry for rum on fire. Now he basicly get it all right but it, as passed to me, started in India, then followed to Sour Africa, where a pharmacy student brought it to Kentucky and then on to British Columbia. Also it is soposed to be Caramelised Rum, that way it tastes better when burned. But any of you other Rum On Fire’rs have more corrections feel free to comment.
Well way to go arcterex, he updated the “errors”.