Month: October 2001
Screenshots Over The Years
Graphical User Interface Gallery, lots of screenshots of GUIs from way back like Windows 1.x, color choice by the color blind, or an Apple II Desktop plus lots of other goodies
Screenshots Over The Years
Graphical User Interface Gallery, lots of screenshots of GUIs from way back like Windows 1.x, color choice by the color blind, or an Apple II Desktop plus lots of other goodies
One Question To Many
… we changed the demo signup so that 50% of the guinea pigs, er, potential customers had to provide an email address and 50% didn’t.
Result: about half of the people gave up when asked to type in an email address.
Wonder what would happen with thre was no worry about spam. Same experiment but there one had to just answer a question form text above, or something similar.
One Question To Many
… we changed the demo signup so that 50% of the guinea pigs, er, potential customers had to provide an email address and 50% didn’t.
Result: about half of the people gave up when asked to type in an email address.
Wonder what would happen with thre was no worry about spam. Same experiment but there one had to just answer a question form text above, or something similar. mozilla.sidebar
Installs a Mozilla-esque sidebar to display weblogs that have been updated in the 60 minutes prior to the top of the hour. mozilla.sidebar
Installs a Mozilla-esque sidebar to display weblogs that have been updated in the 60 minutes prior to the top of the hour.
MovableType Pings
Support for XML-RPC ping
We have added support in Movable Type to talk to the new XML-RPC ping interface (
more information ). Rather than automatically checking for changes in all registered blogs (the old behavior), now requires that an XML-RPC ping be sent to mark the blog as changed.
MovableType Pings
Support for XML-RPC ping
We have added support in Movable Type to talk to the new XML-RPC ping interface (
more information ). Rather than automatically checking for changes in all registered blogs (the old behavior), now requires that an XML-RPC ping be sent to mark the blog as changed.