
My Political Compass: Economic Left/Right:

My Political Compass:
Economic Left/Right: -5.92
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -6.75
I guess we all basically think alike 🙂


My Political Compass: Economic Left/Right:

My Political Compass:
Economic Left/Right: -5.92
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -6.75
I guess we all basically think alike 🙂


My Political Compass Economic Left/Right:

My Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -5.51
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -6.49

Could have predicted this one. According to this test, I’m a little right of Fozzy, but still firmly in the Libertarian Left. Although I couldn’t help but feel like a lot of the questions were loaded.


My Political Compass Economic Left/Right:

My Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -5.51
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -6.49

Could have predicted this one. According to this test, I’m a little right of Fozzy, but still firmly in the Libertarian Left. Although I couldn’t help but feel like a lot of the questions were loaded.


Political Compass, one of those

Political Compass, one of those answer some questions and see where you are politically. Took the test and ended up with:

Economic Left/Right: -7.14
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -8.53

More left and more libertarian than Ghandi. So now where do the rest of ya fall (hint to engel, mithrander, any kentuckians reading and the nexus cowd)?


Political Compass, one of those

Political Compass, one of those answer some questions and see where you are politically. Took the test and ended up with:

Economic Left/Right: -7.14
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -8.53

More left and more libertarian than Ghandi. So now where do the rest of ya fall (hint to engel, mithrander, any kentuckians reading and the nexus cowd)?


Clean underwear for Disney workers

Clean underwear for Disney workers

“Some workers complained about receiving undergarments that were stained or smelly and Mr Steverson said there have been three cases of costumed workers at the Magic Kingdom getting pubic lice or scabies during the past two years.”

That’s might big of Disney. Unbelievable. Is this not the 21st Century, or do we have to re-write The Jungle?
via Zgeek


Clean underwear for Disney workers

Clean underwear for Disney workers

“Some workers complained about receiving undergarments that were stained or smelly and Mr Steverson said there have been three cases of costumed workers at the Magic Kingdom getting pubic lice or scabies during the past two years.”

That’s might big of Disney. Unbelievable. Is this not the 21st Century, or do we have to re-write The Jungle?
via Zgeek


Java One Day Laborers, out

Java One Day Laborers, out of work .com’rs looking for Java work. Fav “Will Code For Drugs


Java One Day Laborers, out

Java One Day Laborers, out of work .com’rs looking for Java work. Fav “Will Code For Drugs