
Hey, all I said in

Hey, all I said in the car coming home from work was, “You know, it surprises me that no one has made their cam picutres into their background for their website.”

This did not mean one SHOULD make your live cam as your background, I was just surprised no one HAD done this, considering the horrible sites I have seen on This Old Internet. I was in no way endorsing the activity.

Foz took it upon himself to prove that he is, indeed, totally aesthetically challenged.


Hey, all I said in

Hey, all I said in the car coming home from work was, “You know, it surprises me that no one has made their cam picutres into their background for their website.”

This did not mean one SHOULD make your live cam as your background, I was just surprised no one HAD done this, considering the horrible sites I have seen on This Old Internet. I was in no way endorsing the activity.

Foz took it upon himself to prove that he is, indeed, totally aesthetically challenged.