
Using Perl to Read

Using Perl to Read Mail

“It’s been said that if you work on any program long enough, that program will eventually be able to send electronic mail. It doesn’t matter what the original purpose of the program was (if you can still remember)–if you develop it long enough, some day that program will send its first piece of email.”

Ture, true.

Java XML

Java and XML: Chapter 9:

Java and XML: Chapter 9: Web Publishing Frameworks, maybe it is time to crack the spine on that Java book collecting dust on the bookself.


Coldjava bunches of Java Servlets

Coldjava bunches of Java Servlets ready for download


URLS! URLS! URLS!, how to

URLS! URLS! URLS!, how to make your CGI URLs readable.


Alzabo Alzabo is a two-fold


Alzabo is a two-fold program. Its first function is as a data modelling tool. Through either a schema creationinterface or a custom perl program, you can create a set of schema, table, column, etc. objects that represent your data model. Alzabo is also capable of reverse engineering an existing data model.

Its second function is as a RDBMS to object mapping system. Once you have created a schema, you canuse the Alzabo::Runtime::Table and Alzabo::Runtime::Row classes to access its data. These classes offer a low level interface to common operations such as SQL SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATEcommands.

Linux PDA

VTech’s Helio PDA to Run

VTech’s Helio PDA to Run Linux


osOpinion: Are today’s open source-centric

osOpinion: Are today’s open source-centric web sites just faking it?
Now it would be intresting if slashdot started publishing under the Open Content Liscense.

Uncategorized needs projects to fund needs projects to fund

“A ceiling of $1,000 per grant will be imposed, but the organization is also donating tape drives, SCSI hard drives, and other equipment to suitable seekers.”

Perl Web XML

XMLBoard An XML-Driven Multi-Form Message


An XML-Driven Multi-Form Message Board

Looks intresting.


.NET? Are we insane?

.NET? Are we insane?

“Now, our information won’t reside under our control. It’s empowerment favoring corporations, not consumers/users.

People! Wake up! Don’t you know what excessive power causes? In the first place, it causes corruption! What is stopping content/access providers from spying on your information? The law? How could you possibly enforce the law in case of a crime, if you weren’t able to know in the first place if the crime was committed? You already know your privacy is being invaded with targeted ads and the like. Is it time to give up more private information to a service provider?”

Don’t forget what happens when service companies go under, like selling customer information to pay off creditors.