
New Zempt

There is a new version of Zempt. It addresses some of my previous problems, like having the keywords, extended, excrept, etc. as configurable options. So if your using Windows and posting to a MovableType blog Zempt might be your thing.

One reply on “New Zempt”

Zempt 0.3

I’m posting this entry from Zempt 0.3. Zempt is a windows application that allows posting to the Movable Type system. Here is a list of features from their website:…

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New Zempt

There is a new version of Zempt. It addresses some of my previous problems, like having the keywords, extended, excrept, etc. as configurable options. So if your using Windows and posting to a MovableType blog Zempt might be your thing.

One reply on “New Zempt”

Zempt 0.3

I’m posting this entry from Zempt 0.3. Zempt is a windows application that allows posting to the Movable Type system. Here is a list of features from their website:…

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