
Star Wars Galaxies Released

I have to admit, the whole Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming never really caught my fancy. Partly they never really looked, graphicly, all that good, partly the $10 per month fee and partly a setting that never really intrested me. Today that has changed, the setting that is and the look cause Star Wars Galaxies is released and shipping. Now do I order and allow for the 2-3 days shipping or hope to find a copy over the weekend?
A little confession. I actually purchased a new box, well the parts for a new box, in anticipation for Galaxies. The only part left to upgrade is the video card, depending on preformance.


Star Wars Galaxies Released

I have to admit, the whole Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming never really caught my fancy. Partly they never really looked, graphicly, all that good, partly the $10 per month fee and partly a setting that never really intrested me. Today that has changed, the setting that is and the look cause Star Wars Galaxies is released and shipping. Now do I order and allow for the 2-3 days shipping or hope to find a copy over the weekend?
A little confession. I actually purchased a new box, well the parts for a new box, in anticipation for Galaxies. The only part left to upgrade is the video card, depending on preformance.